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It starts with a conversation...


Frontline is a global initiative initiated by the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR). As the National Coordinating Organization in the Philippines, CDP worked with other local CSOs strategically positioned in the targeted communities identified as having varying risks.

Their perceptions of disasters and risk that affect them, and their local capacities vis-à-vis different development factors were gathered to come up with these case studies to support community-led resilience building.

Community Empowerment  and Local Synergy-  Laying the Foundations towards Sustainable

Community Empowerment and Local Synergy: Laying the Foundations towards Sustainable Development

A case study on the hazards and disaster risk reduction initiatives of Barangay Banaba and Barangay Ampid in San Mateo Rizal

Nurturing a Culture  of Resilience

Nurturing a Culture of Resilience: The Road to Empowering the Most Vulnerable Sectors toward a Sustainable Future

A Case Study on the Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives of Barangay Timala and Banahao in Guiuan, Eastern Samar

Bayan ni Juan o  Pasan ni Juan

Bayan ni Juan o Pasan ni Juan?

A Case Study on the Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Initiatives in the Southville 7 Resettlement Site in Calauan, Laguna

Unison in Diversity

Unison in Diversity

The case of enhancing local capacities for inclusive and sustainable disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) in Barangay Libjo, Tabogon


Due to combinations of physical, socio-cultural, economic, and cultural factors, Gigantes Islands, found in the municipality of Carles is vulnerable to various risks affecting the lives of its people. It is highly susceptible to hydro-meteorological hazards such as typhoons and other socio-economic risks, including unsafe livelihood activities and lack of access to health and birthing facilities as a result of poverty.

Through the leadership of UP Visayas Foundation, Frontline findings contributed in enhancing the implementation of the RISE Gigantes Project, a post-Yolanda rehabilitation intervention for the islands. The inclusive risk profiling led to the identification of issues on tourism, illegal fishing, and regulation of transport sector. To help Gigantes in addressing their vulnerabilities towards resilience, the convergence strategy was implemented involving development actors from different levels and the four barangays], namely Asluman, Granada, Lantangan and Gabi. Such a strategy intended to develop clear division of responsibilities among stakeholders, reduce duplication and address gaps in coverage and quality, and gauge the extent to which needs are being met collectively. The formation of the Island Sustainable Development Alliance Inc., an umbrella organization of 12 community-based groups in Gigantes, is one of the major outcomes of the convergence. Participatory risk assessments, capacity building, natural resource management, advocacy, and mainstreaming DRR and CCA are among the activities undertaken together by the different actors.

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Turning community views


The Frontine program was launched by the Global Network of Civil Society Organizations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR) in 2014 to capture the perceived threats, consequences, barriers, and proposed actions of various communities at the forefront of disasters. In the Philippines, the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) serves as the National Coordinating Council and has led the conduct of this action research in partnership with different local organizations in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

In attempt to capture the pertinent views and perceptions of those at the foreground of disasters, this year’s Frontline research engaged a total of eight municipalities in six major risk zones in the country. Principally, these chosen risk zones cover the diverse physical, geographical and socio-economic aspects of the country which influence the existence of the apparent threats in these areas. Fundamentally, these crucial information form part of the shared voice that will drive action to alleviate risk and build the resilience of the most vulnerable sectors.

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