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Tue, Apr 30


Zoom Webinar

Philippine Localisation Lab Launch

Are you ready to drive change from the ground up? NEAR, the Network for Empowered Aid Response, invites you to experience the power of local action at the upcoming Philippine Localisation Lab Launch.

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Philippine Localisation Lab Launch
Philippine Localisation Lab Launch

Time & Location

Apr 30, 2024, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Zoom Webinar


About the event

Local and community leaders are crucial in driving impactful and sustainable humanitarian initiatives. Their unique insights and strong grassroots connections help reshape traditional aid systems into inclusive, equitable, and community-driven ones.

NEAR (Network for Empowered Aid Response) originated at the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, during the launch of the Grand Bargain—a commitment to direct 25% of humanitarian funding to local responders by 2020. As a proactive participant and the first signatory from the Global South, NEAR continues to challenge and redefine the criteria for local organizations. ) It is a coalition of civil society organizations from the Global South, committed to a fair and dignified aid system. With 256 member organizations across 41 countries, NEAR advocates for a locally-driven approach and equitable partnerships in humanitarian work.

Key Philippine members include the Center for Disaster Preparedness Foundation, KAISA KA, the Ranao Women and Children Resource Center, the Young Women Initiative, and the Balik-Lokal network, all advocating for localized humanitarian efforts.

The Localisation Labs serve as NEAR’s institutional framework, increasingly centered around community philanthropy and the #ShiftThePower initiative. These labs embody NEAR's principles, promote accountability, and ensure alignment with its mission to transform humanitarian and development efforts.

The objectives of the Philippine Localisation Lab are:

  • Movement Building: Initiate and foster a vibrant network of Global South actors, united by a vision of transformative change.
  • Common Ground: Cultivate a collaborative environment with shared values and decision-making among diverse humanitarian and development stakeholders.
  • Solutions Lab: Generate innovative, locally-driven solutions to unique challenges in the Global South.
  • Learning and Sharing: Build evidence and promote knowledge exchange and capacity sharing, emphasizing a learning agenda driven and owned by actors from the Global South.

Register here to attend virtually or in person. You may also download the program for the event.

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