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The Philippine Preparedness Partnership is the collaboration between key stakeholders of the three main actors in humanitarian action, the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) for the government, Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF) for the private sector. As the primary advocate of tripartite partnership in the country, PhilPrep ensures cohesive action between the three sectors in any and all humanitarian initiatives it conducts across the three major islands of the Philippines.

Since its inception, PhilPrep has demonstrated how the three important sectors (government, civil society, and private sector) can showcase coordination, collaboration, and partnership, in view of wider influence in policy and practice in order to ultimately make an innovative contribution for significant changes in the humanitarian ecosystem in the country. Now on its second phase, PHILPREP leans to greater emphasis on increasing locally-led actions in the Philippines, the partnership initiates focused action towards contributing to the APP North Star: Safer and well-prepared communities through locally-led DRM actions, so that disaster impacts on at-risk communities in Asia will be reduced.


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