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A Toolkit for Mainstreaming Children’s Education, Health, Nutrition, WASH, and Protection in Disaster Risk Reduction


This toolkit is designed for advocates, trainers, and planners -- ‘weavers’ of children’s rights and concerns in the local government planning system.   It seeks to enable them to work with stakeholders and potential partners in ensuring that children are heard and represented in the local planning structures and processes; their concerns are addressed in the plans; and there are policies and resources for their protection and participation. Children’s rights advocates, planners, and trainers -- the users of this toolkit -- may be from national government agencies, local government units, civil society organizations, local stakeholders’ groups, and children’s sector.  They may use this toolkit to:


  • Facilitate workshops, consultations, orientations, or training on:
    • The situation of children and the effects of disasters on their education, health, nutrition, access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and safety;
    • The policies and legal instruments that uphold children’s rights and address their concerns; and/or
    • Designing a local mainstreaming action plan.
  • Identify interventions and laws for children’s protection and participation.


This toolkit is made up of two parts: 

  1. Mainstreaming Tools. Part 1 is divided into three modules: (1) Understanding Children and Disasters; (2) Policies and Legal Instruments for Mainstreaming; and (3) Designing the Mainstreaming Action Plan.  The modules provide tools that build on and complement each other but may be used independent of each other depending on the intent of the user and for whom it is being used.
  2. Good Practices in Mainstreaming. This part contains inspiring stories of mainstreaming.

Weaving Children's Rights and Concern in Local Government Planning

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