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This coffee table book provides vivid images of what it means to be a person with disability in the Philippines and discusses in detail the global, regional, and national policies that support and advocate for Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR). It also chronicles how the Center for Disaster Preparedness aspired to empower persons with disability through training and development, research, advocating for inclusive governance, collaboration and network-building, strengthening of emergency preparedness, and institutionalization of inclusion within its organization.


With its partnership with Arbeiter Samariter Bundt, Local Government Units of Lawaan, and Balangiga, Eastern Samar, Special and Differently Abled Persons of Lawaan (SDAPOL), and Disabled People’s Organization-Balangiga, CDP succeeded in its contribution in community resilience featured here in stories, visuals, dreams, and visions of a barrier-free society.

Kalakbay: Charting the Course Towards Resilience and Inclusion

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