This is an introduction to the thinking and assessment methods of the CBDO-DR framework. It also outlines the practice of addressing vulnerabilities to disasters by recognizing and building people’s capacities. The manual is a source of updated concepts, practical tools and experiences in assessing disaster situations and designing appropriate disaster response interventions.
Intended end users
This manual is intended as a useful reference in community-based disaster management for the personnel of CDRC/CDRN and disaster risk management field practitioners, international agency staff and NGO’s involved in disaster risk management.
Geographical focus
Although the examples and case studies are mainly drawn from the Philippines, the CBDO-DRapproach can be applied throughout the world.
Type of Material
This publication is a comprehensive manual that contains history, theory, conceptualization, useand application of the CBDO-DR. The manual contains:
Different views on disaster and disaster management
Alternative disaster management framework
The move towards CBDO-DR
Features of CBDO-DR
Theory around vulnerability
Different assessment methods in CBDO-DR
- Elements of Disaster responses – responses to increase capacities and reduce vulnerabilities
There are many case studies and examples throughout the manual illustrating key concepts and theories around disaster management, CBDO-DR, disaster response.
This manual is written in English.
Scale of assessment
The focus of the assessment is on the community-level.
Type of assessment
The manual is based on the CBDO-DR approach, which includes Hazard Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (HVCA), Damage Needs Capacity Assessment (DNCA) and Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) methodologies. Each type of assessment is discussed in terms of when to use, how to use and methods/tools are suggested for each. It also discusses strengths, challenges and difficulties with each of the assessment methods.
The main distinguishing features of the CBDO-DR approach are:
- it looks at disasters as a question of people’s vulnerability
- it recognizes people’s existing capacities and aims to strengthen these
- it contributes to addressing the roots of people’s vulnerabilities
- it considers people’s participation essential to disaster management
- it puts a premium on the organizational capacity of the vulnerable sectors it mobilizes the less vulnerable sectors into partnerships
Analytical methods
There are many methods and tools mentioned in this manual.
Disaster Risk Assessment Methods mentioned are:
- Hazard Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (HVCA) Damage, Needs and Capacity Assessment (DNCA)
- Capacity and Vulnerability Assessment (CVA)
General Assessment methods include:
- Class analysis
- Livelihood analysis
- Social and institutional network analysis
The tools are described in detail at the end of the publication.
The participatory tools include:
- Focus group interviews Direct observation
- Hazard mapping
- Seasonal calendar
- Timeline
- Historical profiling Problem tree
- Transect walk
Technical tools include:
- Water testing tools
- Health, sanitation and nutrition data gathering tools Key informant interviews
Notes on methods
This manual is meant to be a reference guide, as such many key concepts and theories are outlined, as well as different key assessment methods in CBDO-DR.
There are numerous case studies and examples throughout illustrating key concepts and processes. Most are from the Philippines
Tools are presented in a user friendly manner, with step by step instructions. Case studies / practical examples
The manual contains several practical examples and small cases, outlined in boxes, illustrating how the methodologies have been applied in the Philippines.