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Disaster Risk Reduction Through Education and Managing Barangay Integrated Goals Toward Disaster Resilient Communities and Schools in Paracale, Camarines Norte

In partnership with the UNICEF, the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP), shall facilitate the implementation of the second phase of the project entitled, Disaster Risk Reduction Through Education and Managing Barangay Integrated Goals Toward Disaster Resilient Communities and Schools, otherwise known as the DRREAM BIG Project, with the Municipality of Paracale, Camarines Norte. This engagement, implemented under UNICEF's programme entitled, UNICEF and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management: A Child-Centered Approach, Phase II, will serve to sustain the milestones of the first phase of implementation through which select communities from the municipalities Paracale as well as Basud were organized to collaborate in disaster risk reduction, towards achieving a resilient and sustainable future for children and young people.

For the second phase of the DRREAM BIG Project, which will cover the period of October 2016 to October 2018, the implementation shall focus on strengthening inclusive local structures and mechanisms in disaster risk reduction, as well as the promotion of multi-sectoral and holistic approach to risk reduction, through integration of health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), child protection and education in DRR programming. Specifically, the engagement shall seek to achieve the following outputs:


Girl and Boy Power

Increase the capacities of girls, boys, adolescents and women to analyze and take action on disaster and climate risks faced by their families and communities


Child-Centered DRR

Develop community capacity to anticipate, prevent, adapt, respond and recover through organizing and building the capacity of key community stakeholders to develop into their work integrated child-centered approach to disaster risk reduction


Empowered LGU

Increase the capacities of the focus LGU to develop an integrated, multi-sectoral and child- centered DRR and CCA program

DRREAM BIGGER Project: Service
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