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Workers for People's Liberation - Baguio, Benguet

Bayanihan sa Kasanayan at Ugnayang Pangkabuhayan (Bakas-PangKabuhayan)

Proposed by the Workers for People’s Liberation - Baguio, Benguet, the acton intends to support the organized informal workers of Baguio City and La Trinidad Benguet towards an undertaking of pooling together resources (skills, knowledge and financial) to improve their agency as individual members and collectively as a group, and to increase their employment opportunities. A group-led and group-managed savings will also be introduced and will include working with local government and national agencies for capacity building, and social protection, among others.

Fresh New Leaf

Building A Stronger Future for Informal Workers, Together

Imagine a future where informal workers, the hidden engine of our economy, thrive with support, security, and a voice. This is the inspiring vision driving WPL-Benguet's impactful initiative, "Pooling together resources to improve agency."


Empowering through Unity:

  • Building Support: Training, networks, and access to services equip members to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.

  • Collective Strength: From vendors to garbage collectors, diverse groups unite, amplifying their voices and impact.

  • Financial Security: The Bakas savings program fosters resilience and provides emergency support.


Impacting Lives, Building Power:

  • Dignified Work: Increased access to employment, fair wages, and social protection creates a more just and equitable society.

  • Empowered Leaders: Training cultivates confident leaders who advocate for the rights and needs of the informal workforce.

  • Community Collaboration: Partnerships with local government and organizations expand resources and influence.


From Vision to Action:

  • Skill Development: Trainings on leadership, rights, and livelihoods equip members for success.

  • Network Building: Engaging with diverse sectors strengthens connections and opens doors.

  • Savings Program: Bakas provides financial security and fosters responsible money management.

  • Leadership Cultivation: Ongoing training empowers members to lead and advocate for their communities.


Challenges and Triumphs:

  • Shifting Power Dynamics: Challenging ingrained systems and advocating for change requires sustained effort.

  • Building a Movement: Expanding reach and inspiring others to join the fight for informal worker rights.

Join the Movement:

Supporting WPL-Benguet means investing in:

  • Empowering individuals to build a brighter future for themselves and their families.

  • Creating a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone has the chance to thrive.

  • Building a powerful movement that demands respect and fair treatment for informal workers.

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