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Kalimudan sa Ranao Foundation Incorporated

Promoting citizen-led implementing rules and regulations of the Marawi Siege Victims Compensation Act (RA 11696)

Proposed by the Kalimudan sa Ranao Foundation Inc., the action intends to support a citizen-led drive to create and submit implementing rules and regulations for the Marawi Siege Victims Compensation Act (RA 11696). Kalimudan sa Ranao Foundation is a Marawi-based non-profit organization and a member of the Marawi Advocacy Accompaniment (MAA) advocacy platform for Marawi City’s rehabilitation and reconstruction. The proponent will be conducting IRR drafting workshop and planning, consultation and dissemination with internally displaced persons (IDP) communities in Marawi, dialogue with lawmakers and government agencies, and IRR core group meetings.

Fresh New Leaf

Empowering Maranao Voices, Building a Just Future

Imagine a future where Maranao communities, deeply affected by the Marawi Siege, actively shape their own destiny. This is the vision driving Kalimudan's impactful initiative, "Promoting citizen-led implementing rules and regulations of the Marawi Siege Victims Compensation Act (RA 11696)."


Empowering Change from Within:

  • Amplifying Voices: IDPs actively participate in discussions, ensuring their needs and concerns guide policy decisions.

  • Harnessing Community Strengths: Recognizing the assets and capacities within Maranao communities, fostering self-reliance and leadership.

  • Building Advocacy Skills: Equipping IDPs with the tools and knowledge to advocate effectively for their rights and just compensation.

  • Demanding Accountability: Collaboratively drafting an IRR that prioritizes transparency and fairness in implementing the compensation act.


Impacting Lives, Building Hope:

  • Just Compensation: Ensuring local context and needs are reflected in the IRR, leading to fair and just compensation for Marawi victims.

  • Empowered Communities: Giving IDPs a say in their future, fostering ownership and community cohesion.

  • Sustainable Solutions: Addressing challenges like assessing compensation accurately and building trust between communities and authorities.

  • Open Communication: Emphasizing information sharing and peacebuilding principles for a brighter future.


From Vision to Action:

  • Educating and Connecting: Sharing crucial information about the compensation law with IDP leaders, facilitating open dialogues to express concerns.

  • Advocating for Representation: Successfully securing an IDP representative on the Marawi Compensation Board.

  • Drafting with Community: Leading the development of an IDP-led IRR, ensuring their voices are heard and needs addressed.

  • Collaboration and Engagement: Holding pre-land studies, consultations, and workshops, involving stakeholders and government officials.


Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Maintaining Participation: Addressing low attendance in training due to feelings of hopelessness, needing to cultivate hope and inspire action.

  • Securing Resources: Finding sustainable ways to support IDP activities and empower lasting change.

Join the Movement:

Supporting Kalimudan means investing in:

  • Empowering Maranao communities to heal and rebuild.

  • Ensuring just and fair compensation for Marawi victims.

  • Building a more peaceful and equitable future for all.

Together, we can amplify the voices of the Maranao people, empower them to create a future they deserve, and build a more just and hopeful tomorrow.

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