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A Compendium of Case Studies on Lessons, Practices, and Innovations amid the Covid-19 Pandemic Response


The DRR Community of Practice's compendium of case studies serves as an evidence from both CoP and co-collaborators in various networks on how they continued to find ways and means to make a difference and impact in the lives of the affected population and communities. Civil society organizations despite the difficult situation are not remiss in their role and responsibility to the most marginalized and vulnerable sections of the population at the grassroots level in most far-flung areas.


  • Ang Tanglaw na Hatid ng Damayan at Kumustahan: Coping and Dealing with the COVID-19 Pandemic through MHPSS (Center for Disaster Preparedness)

The SFDRR Priority Action 4 emphasizes enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to Build Back Better, which includes MHPSS. In this study, CDP draws from experience in undertaking MHPSS activities since the onslaught of the pandemic to highlight the critical need of ensuring that DRRM efforts such as MHPSS are institutionalized by incorporating them in the policy, plans, and programs involving all thematic areas.


  • A Case Study of Marawi IDPs Experiences During the Covid-19 Pandemic (Center for Emergency Aid, Rehabilitation, and Development, Inc.)

This study is all about the Marawi IDPs experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic. It aims to study discriminatory practices in which the IDPs are subjected to under conditions of COVID-19 pandemic and to provide opportunity for collective sharing of insights and experiences of IDP’s during the pandemic and to document the lessons, challenges and insights of pursuing IDPs meaningful participation in addressing discrimination in governments response to Covid-19.


  • DRRM Networking in the Midst of a Pandemic: The DRRNetPhils Experience (Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines)

This case study aims to explore the continuing work of the network to achieve its vision, mission and advocacy actions in the midst of a pandemic – how the changing practices and culture have provided challenges, constraints and opportunities the network readily adapted to in order to continue its work in DRRM.


  • Country-Level Dialogue: Moving Forward the Localization in the Philippines (Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits, Inc.)

The objective for this case study is to promote and institutionalize the implementation of Grand Bargain commitments on localization and participation revolution at the country level. Moreover, this initiative aims to assist in creating a greater sense of momentum and provide the space to explore synergies and linkages with existing humanitarian coordination mechanisms and all stakeholders involved.


  • Sharing of Experiences, Learnings, and Innovation of Men, Women, and Youth from Muslim and Christian Communities in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic (Lanao Aquatic and Marine Fisheries Center for Community Development, Inc.)

The case study is a product of a series of Consultations, FGDs and Learning sessions together with men, women, youth, and elderly who are coming from both Moslem and Christian communities where LAFCCOD, Inc. embarked its mission. It shows the effect, the learning, wisdom and some innovation as people in the community struggle to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Project Ugnayan: A case study on PDRF’s urban poor community response early in the COVID-19 lockdown (Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation)

In response to the pandemic, Project Ugnayan, a multi-sectoral, collaborative effort spearheaded by the Ayala Group of companies with the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF), the private sector, local government units, and Caritas Manila, was organized. The project provided unconditional emergency cash assistance to economically vulnerable families in the Greater Manila Area to address food security needs of those affected by the first ECQ last 16 March to 16 June, 2020. The project’s key feature lies in its decision to use gift certificates as the medium of assistance and the selection of Caritas Manila as the distributing arm of the project. This study contributes to the body of literature on pandemic response directed at food insecurity in urban poor communities and showcases the role of the private sector in community engagement.


  • The Forgotten Disaster Survivors and their Environment are Victims (Ranaw Disaster Response and Rehabilitation Center)

The study aims to revisit the situation of disaster survivors of December 17, 2011 and to establish collaboration in order to alleviate and strengthen the united IDPs as a vehicle of continuous oversight for the benefits of their ranks.

Laying the Groundwork for a Better Normal

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